Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty
Creativity Is My Specialty


I'm Kome Nathaniel

A Frontend Web Developer

A self taught frontend developer that is passionate in solving problems and ready to face challenges.


About Me

I'm Kome Nathaniel, a 24 year old Nigerian from Lagos, which I'm a Self Taught Front-end Developer.

I'm a Creative Weird individual and also a Gamer that is fascinated with Web Technologies. I create simple, easy, and effective UI.

My mission is to solve problems, work with a team of amazing developers, develop amazing products and help/provide for the needy.

My Skills








Change Am

Html, Css, Javascript, React js

This is a Currency Converter web application, that calculates live currency and foreign exchange rates. In this application, I made use of an API, to gather every avaliable currency with their live rates.

Movie Quiz

Html, Css, Javascript, React js

This Quiz web app is basically a movie game app, that gives 10 current and trending movie questions with a 45seconds timer for the entire 10 easy questions.

Mena Nath Media

Html, Css, Javascript

This is a Public Relation Agency website, which I built for a client that showcases their Objectives, Services and how they can be contacted.

The Word

Html, Css, Javascript

This is a Gospel website that shows a Bible verse, Question section and Gospel movies recommendation.

what's next?

Let's Work Together